My booking form below is the easiest, best way to begin the process of scheduling a date with me. It of course helps me collect the necessary information about where and when our date will take place, but also helps streamline my screening process. No matter if you have seen companions before or if this is your first time, I require the same information from everyone who spends time with me.

For screening, I’ll need to see a picture of your driver’s license. All I need to see is your name, date of birth and photo. You make black all other info out for your privacy if you’d like.

My screening is quick, but thorough. I do all my screening myself. Your information will never be shared with anyone. It’s simply to verify your identity and gives me a sense of safety and security. If I have peace of mind, then we’re able to fully enjoy our time together. I will never contact you without your consent.

Note: Please keep conversation polite and respectful and refrain from using explicit or suggestive language (including acronyms) in your booking form or any subsequent communications. Booking forms containing impolite, crude, or lascivious remarks will be sent directly to the trash.

If you would prefer, you are also welcome to email me directly with all of the information below: